Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Unique Handmade Jewelry

Beautiful jewelry is something one can never have enough; well, I am sure most women would agree with me on this point. If you enjoy wearing jewelry as much as I do, I am sure you must be having enough to start off your own lil’ jewelry shop by now! I love going through boutiques for designer jewelry and scrounging around in flea markets for unique jewelry pieces as well. The flea markets can have loads of designs in store for you and if you lucky enough, with some amount of haggling, you can be the proud owner of some unique jewelry without really spending too much! But there is one area that I have explored and that is wearing unique handmade jewelry. Such handmade jewelry is a great option as it is easy on the pocket and you can create stunning pieces of jewelry by exercising your mind! Wearing unique handmade jewelry gives one the satisfaction of wearing an exclusive piece! This can also make a very stylish and personalized gift as well. You must note that there are three basic techniques when you are dealing with unique handmade jewelry. The first is where you string the beads; the kind of string you use will depend upon what you are planning to design. To keep a distance between the beads, one can make the use of knots or crimps. Wire is also used to make unique kind of jewelry. Here, beads are used in combination to create snazzy designs. Bead weaving is another technique where in, really tiny beads are interwoven and threaded to make small but intricate patterns.

Tips to make your own Unique Handmade Jewelry:

How to make a Y shaped necklace:
What you will need
  • Beading wire or thread
  • Beads and fasteners
  • Wire cutters /heavy-duty scissors
  • Crimping pliers and/or flat-nosed pliers
First, cut a longer length of the string material. This should be at least twice the length of the drop that you would require. Then thread a small bead to the middle area. Use the two ends of the thread and double thread it with the beads that are required for the central drop because this is a Y shaped necklace. The small bead you have used before will help to keep the other beads in place.

Now, you need to separate the threads into single strands. You also need to thread beads on each side as per your choice. Use a fastener to secure the piece.

How to make a beaded ring:
What you will need
  • Pliers
  • Small, flat feature bead (dark blue-1)
  • Crimps (2)
  • Nylon bead cord
  • Size 11 seed beads (light blue-25)
This method of unique handmade jewelry can help you have different colors of rings to match every outfit!

First, you need to slide the first crimp onto the nylon bead cord. Do it gently taking care that it does not squash. Thread all the blue seed beads on this nylon thread. Now, you need to slide the second crimp onto this thread as well. Next, thread the small and flat feature bead. Now, pick one end of the nylon thread (which is on the side of the feature bead) and thread this through the first crimp on the other end. This would result in the crimp having two lots of nylon bead cord passing through it. Now, you need to pull both the ends of the cord. This will help to make the ring tight. Once you have decided upon the accurate width that you require, press both the crimps. This would keep the nylon bead in place. Any excess thread can be simply cut off.

Unique handmade jewelry is a great way to showcase your talent and you can have variations in it as well. If you have a basic sense of design and colors, it can help you create unique and stunning pieces with ease. Selecting the right colors, proportion of the beads you use, the kind of designs you select and even the proportion of the entire piece matters when you create any kind of unique handmade jewelry. Use your creativity to make attractive jewelry designs and have a new look every day!
By Kashmira Lad


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